How to Strip the Willow, by the Jiggers

Regular readers will recall that, just over a year ago, I was official gig photographer at a “Big Jig” charity bash by the Jiggers ceilidh band in Glasgow.

Besides my challenge to photograph something other than buildings and mountains, Greg, Jigger-in-chief, also had a video taken. Sadly, however, the video was corrupted. But the good news was it means this YouTube video that Greg has just put up on his blog involves a montage of my photos instead of the film (apart from the last one – no idea who took that one). Bummer, eh?

Those photos mean quite a lot to me. It was just after I bought my Mac and therefore are the first batch I ever uploaded to it; it was a really fun night; and among the photos I took is one that is one of my very favourites.

The video aims to introduce the Strip the Willow – a dance which is fantastically good fun, but absolutely exhausting.

I’ll get to practice my Strip the Willow very soon, in fact, as my wedding is three weeks today…

4 thoughts on “How to Strip the Willow, by the Jiggers

  1. Strip the willow is fantastically dangerous….
    I have been asked on a couple of occasions how it works and have recommended the following videos…

    #1 – How it should be done;

    #2 – How it’s usually done;


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