For those of you who know about these sorts of things, I have been planning to visit Canada this September to track down the two mullets out there.
The longer term aim, after that, is to visit the numerous mullets in the USA, perhaps in 2007. Being spread across all four corners of the land of the "free", those ones could take some time.
However, just this evening I have enjoyed the company of my old friend from Inverness, and former flatmate, Scott (pictured). He's from Ottawa, the capital of Canadanialand, and is now living near Stirling. When I told him about my plans for Canada and the USA, he argued a very convincing case for leaving Canada out of my travel plans for 2006, and combining them with my intended trip to the USA in 2007.
You see, it transpires that Canada and the USA are quite close to each other.
You learn something new every day.