Death of a book
An update on a book I had been trying to write (and am now officially not doing).
Writing about writing itself; namely my book and other stuff I write
An update on a book I had been trying to write (and am now officially not doing).
A new addition to my Books on the Horizon, this one actually based on a book I started then abandoned.
Artikolo en Esperanto en Skotlando pri aventuro en Madrido. An article in Esperanto in Scotland about an adventure in Madrid.
Eta artikolo pri Armenio originale publikiĝis en oktobro 2016 en la revuo Esperanto en Skotlando. A wee article about Armenia originally published in October 2016 in the magazine Esperanto in Scotland.
This is the thirteenth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This one is about walking the entire length of New Zealand.
This is the twelfth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. It’s the account of a long craft beer-based journey across the USA.
This is the eleventh in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This one proposes a beer-based tour of Ireland, though avoiding the famous black stuff.
This is the tenth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This title imagines a road trip along the Trans-Canada Highway (with the occasional turn off).
This the ninth my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. It’s the first in a new batch of titles, and imagines journeys to places that have been literally or figuratively bypassed by otherwise positive developments.
In which I take a pause in my imagined Books on the Horizon series, and reflect on what I’ve learned from writing the first eight titles.
This is the eighth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This latest one combines train and hiking journeys around the north of Scotland.
This is the seventh in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This one is about exploring the world of sleeper trains.
This is the sixth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This especially whimsical effort is inspired by the wonderful Lemon Jelly track “Ramblin’ Man”.
This is the fifth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. This one involves finishing off my mullet mission.
This is the fourth in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. It is about visiting the world’s created capitals.
This is the third in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. In it, I travel the world using Esperanto.
Jenas la tria en mia foja serio de “Libroj sur la Horizonto” – vojaĝoverkoj pri kiu mi revas esplori kaj skribi, sed eble neniam faros. En ĝi, mi transvojaĝas la mondon per Esperanto.
This the second in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. It’s not an original idea, but a repeat of my third book The Next Stop on various other Scottish train lines.
This the first in my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though probably never will. It is called “Not Holland” and is an attempt to visit the twelve provinces of the Netherlands that aren’t part of Holland.
An introduction to my occasional series of “Books on the Horizon” – travelogues I dream of researching and writing, though will probably never undertake.
You can now get my first book free as an ebook if you sign up to my occasional email newsletter.