It’s been a grand couple of days, and I have enjoyed being back in Inverness, catching up with friends, taking a few photos, and generally doing nothing in particular. The weather has been beautifully clear and crisp, making a welcome change from the dour overcast clouds of Glasgow.
The clear air was under threat tonight, though, as I went to the Harlequin to meet a friend for a pint. Ironically we’d just been talking about the success of the smoking ban when a woman walked in, cigarette in hand. Such is the extent to which Scotland has got used to it, that heads turned and jaws dropped at her tenacity (or stupidity). The staff were quick to react and chastised her strongly and sent her out.
The smell from just that one single cigarette in those few brief seconds hung noticeably and antisocially in the air long after her departure. I wonder why society ever tolerated smoking in pubs in the first place.
Simon, am I being foolish for allowing David to drive my car and water my amaryllis?
Also, did they ban smoking in Scotland? I don’t smoke, so I think that’s wonderful…but when I went to the UK this past November I definitely noticed a bunch of people smoking. Moreso in London than in Scotland, but I still noticed smokers in Scotland…
Hi Jenny
I’d say yes, potentially foolish – remember we drive on the other side of the road over here, so make sure David knows about American roads first!
As for the smoking ban – they’ve only banned it in enclosed public spaces, such as offices, pubs, restaurants, railway stations, that sort of thing. It’s coming up a year now, and has been a wonderful thing. England is following suit in July, I think. New York has it, right?
Yes, New York has it and New Jersey (where Princeton is) has just put the law into effect this year. California, my home state, has had the law for ages so whenever I visit other places (ie, most other states), I am always shocked at how…well, behind other places are in terms of caring for the health of the public.