Coping with alcohol

After weekends away in Aberdeen and Inverness, it was good to be able to stay in Glasgow and get to St Silas, my probable new church. I guess I should say that this draws to an end my church search – which has been a fascinating exercise. I’m delighted to be settling where I am, and have had fun getting to know St Silas and its wonderful characters.

I don’t have many more reflections on my search other than what I wrote after round one, except to say that it’s been an incredibly enlightening experience. I’ve learned a lot, and am surprised I found somewhere as soon as I did. This means that there’s lots of places I was hoping to revisit that I probably won’t get to. Two exceptions are Destiny, which I know a couple of people at and will occasionally slink off to when I fancy a sly shot of pentecostalism, and Re:Hope, which is such a re:freshing place and where I hope to visit every few weeks just to see how it changes in its exciting, early life.

Today’s services at St Silas were excellent. In the evening, David the minister preached on coping with alcohol. Rather than advice on how to drink seven pints and still be able to walk or what spirits best go with heavy ale, it was a cocktail of scriptural lessons about how we as Christians can keep alcohol in its place in life, enjoying it (if we drink it at all) in a context of mutual support, moderation and so forth.

We had some interesting discussions about the issue in the pub after the service.

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