Only kidding.
No way am I going around reviewing Christian music festivals… I'd never be able to show my face in a church ever again. Infamy in a dozen Glasgow churches is enough for me, thanks.
Frenzy was good – although mostly it was just a great chance to meet people. The four of us from St Silas who drove through together had a competition to see how many people we could speak to who we knew. Boosted by a minibus load from my old church in Inverness, plus a few pleasant surprises from elsewhere in the country, I finished a healthy second on 20.
The music was excellent, better than I thought, with some top Christian bands from all over the world. The headliners were Delirious?, who have apparently got stuff into the mainstream charts. They, and indeed many of the other bands, were kind of ubiquitous U2-style heavy rock music, but Delirious?'s visuals on the giant screens and the atmosphere they generated was especially phenomenal.
As I say though, the music throughout the day was a little samey, and I'm aware that many Christians do wonder about the point of Christian music festivals, especially because we are called to change the world we are in, rather than have a parallel reality.
David Shedden writes a wonderfully cynical blog I've recently discovered and he discussed the idea just the other day. And a non-Christian friend of mine said he never really got the idea of specialist Christian music… after all, we don't have separate Christian cheese and other produce.
So I can see both sides of the debate: I enjoyed Frenzy and might consider going to something like it again, but still hope I can be a fully paid-up member of the human race at the same time.