Yesterday, I started a month’s annual leave, which – despite the temptation to disappear somewhere – I am using to get stuck into my second book.
As I wrote a while ago, it’s been quite a battle getting into the groove of writing but I’ve recently broken through an important barrier. I would have been on a roll in recent weeks had I not been so busy. Hence a month off from the day job to allow me to work up a good pace and make some real progress.
My aim for the month, whether realistic or not, is to get a first draft completed. That means I can then spend the rest of the summer editing and revising, and hopefully towards the end of the year I might be able to report whether or not it will actually be published.
I’m determined to be disciplined and industrious in the coming weeks, so may not blog or even tweet a great deal.
Oh and Monday’s Night of Adventure in Edinburgh went very well, thanks for asking. I believe the videos will be online soon so I’ll come back soon to share my video with you and tell you a bit more about what was a fascinating and inspiring evening.