The move went smoothly, thanks to a friend and his big car, and also not having that much stuff in the first place.
I’m tired enough after a weekend of packing and moving, but this was exacerbated by a ceilidh in church on Saturday night for someone’s leaving do. The ceilidh was great fun and we were kept going by the entertaining and very talented band The Jiggers, which is one of the numerous musical pies in which fellow St Silasite Greg de Blieck has fingers.
Partly through throwing myself into the dances, and partly through my monumentally rubbish state of fitness, I was shattered by the end of the night. The walk home was slow and painful, and my legs are still somewhat jellylike today, two days later.
Someone suggested to me during the ceilidh that my state of exhaustion was a sign that my body was telling me to do more exercise.
Of course I think it was telling me in no uncertain terms to do less.
Didn’t realise you were moving this weekend!! Happy new home – look forward to dinner there 🙂 (though actually I believe I currently owe you a dinner!)
Hey Svarwell. What nice comments about the Jiggers ceilidh band (fiver is in the post…no names on it though). It did seem that you were going for a record number of dances attempted, and Miss Tulip did mention the extreme sweatiness of your back…
I really enjoyed playing the gig for Laird Joe actually. It’s always nice to do a ceilidh in Glasgow, and with so many friends there, too. People certainly seemed to be up for it, which was nice!
By the way, did you know the new website ( is being put together by none other than our mutually associated blogette, boardtocertaindeath? I would be honoured if you could be one of our testers when it’s ready.
I didn’t make it to the next round of the TV show, by the way. So sad, never mind…I now know how to ruin an omelette.
That ceilidh music sounds really fun!
Ha ha! Perhaps you might like to ease yourself into training with a spot of rugby. We could always use some more players!
Beat – who is Miss Tulip? And I think btcd might have already pointed me towards your prospective new site.
And Coxy – me? Rugby? I think you’ve got more chance of getting Jocky Wilson into pole-vaulting…
Miss Tulip is pictured on my blog (with the sunglasses…in the slideshow). She is the Beatcave’s very lovely housekeeper and general bringer of happiness to all things Beat. She recently featured on Gadgetvicar’s blog (although the goggles do not portray her in the best light)
I think it’s about time I ditched myspace for blogging, I think.
Every time I go on MySpace, I feel as though my will to live is being sucked out…
Lara, I know what you mean. I have an adblocker set up on my firefox, so that all the annoying adverts don’t appear. It’s almost serene. Although myspace does suck generally, so I’m probably going to shift my blog somewhere where the cool kids are.