Incidentally, I really must start buying the Highland News, Scotland’s top purveyor of sensationalist headlines. I saw a copy over someone’s shoulder on the train this morning to Aberdeen, and the front page shout was “I GAVE MY DOG MRSA!”
The spirit of Chris Morris lives on…
I hate MRSA. When I work at the hospital, there are a good number of patients who have this disease. What it means for me is that before I go into their room, I have to put on gown, mask and gloves. This becomes a pain in the neck when a.) I don’t look in the room beforehand, dress up, and enter the room only to find out the patient is sleeping, and b.) when the hospital is running warm, the gown, glove, mask thing feels very suffocating.
Incidentally, I found this blog ( and thought you might enjoy it.
Reminds me of a simpsons episode “The Last Temptation of Krust” where Krusty reads a newspaper with the headline:
arf arf.
How about