A while back, I noticed that WordPress added the ability to use images as banners in their blogs.
So I’ve taken advantage of that and used part of probably my favourite photo – it’s a shot of oil rigs in the Cromarty Firth, taken from the plane from Stornoway to Inverness in October 2004.
Looks a bit better than the previous plain blue, don’t you think?
Update: I’ve also done a bit of rejigging of my website too, using the same picture as the new banner there. The website and blog now thankfully look a bit more consistent and seamless. Sort of.
Nice pic! I’ve not messed with banners and layout much on the blog this looks good tho’.
BTW have you seen what Nic wrote about your ‘movie of the year’ … http://learningtowalk.blogs.com/learning_to_walk/
I did indeed, Graham. It’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but if trashy B-movies and internet phenomenons is what you like, then Snakes really is unbeatable.
Very beautiful picture!