For the first time in ages, I have a quiet evening in. Currently it’s just me, Ulrich Schnauss and a wee dram.
Which is nice.
I’ve had three objectives this evening – catch up on a billion and one emails, tidy the kitchen and upload some photos.
Here are today’s uploads. The one on the right is perhaps my favourite.
As you can see if you take a browse, I got rather bored writing the descriptions of the photos and veered off into nonsense on one or two of them.
Oh, and talking of photos, this one of the fire round the corner the other night appears (with permission, of course) in this week’s edition of Inverness’s most sensationalist tabloid, the Highland News, in a report about the fire. Page 5, for all you avid HN readers.
I have to confess it’s the first time I ever bought the HN, and it’s only been to see my name in print.
Vain, I know.
Congrats on your new media photog career! {:->