Ding, ding!
In which I have a go on the long-awaited and controversial Edinburgh tram network. I mean tram line…
In which I have a go on the long-awaited and controversial Edinburgh tram network. I mean tram line…
In which I might just have turned a random No voter in an Edinburgh pub into a don’t know…
You might recall that I spoke a couple of years ago at a “pecha kucha” evening in Edinburgh called Night of Adventure, which was in aid of the wonderful charity Hope and Homes for Children. You can see my talk from that night on the right. “Pecha kucha” is a daunting presentation format where you…
You’ll want to read Kevin MacNeil’s A Method Actor’s Guide to Jekyll and Hyde twice. Not because it’s an excellent read (though it certainly is that), but because something happens towards the end that casts confusion and doubt over everything you’ve read so far. And when you do read it again, you realise just how…
En la pasinta semajnfino, mi partoprenis en la kunkongreso de la Esperantaj asocioj de Britio kaj Skotlando, lokita en Edinburgo. Estis mia unua Esperanto kongreso, kaj estis tre interesa. Anstataŭ skribanta pri la kongreso per longa blogafiŝo, mi pensis ke mi povis doni nur mallongan liston de mia ĉefaj lernitaĵoj de la kongreso. Jen… 1.…
I’ve been zipping about a fair amount this past week. I’ve been ambling around in Inverness… …loitering between trains at Perth station… …and exploring Glasgow at night. The Glasgow visit was for an Explosions in the Sky gig on Monday night. It was my third time of seeing them and they were excellent. Beautiful, uplifting,…
I spend a lot of time on trains. Too much, at times. I’m at the stage where I recognise train conductors, can recite stations along routes my most regular routes, and have often found myself at the whim of the vagaries and foibles of ScotRail. Mostly, to be fair, ScotRail does a good job, though…
You may remember me speaking back in June at A Night of Adventure, a fundraising evening in Edinburgh for the great charity Hope and Homes for Children. It turned out to be a really fun evening, and very inspiring because I was rubbing shoulders with fellow speakers that included round the world cyclists, mountaineers, endurance…
I’ve uploaded some photos from my trip to Edinburgh last weekend, including the Explosions in the Sky gig and the day’s exploring of Edinburgh I wrote about here. The gig was excellent, and EITS were on top form, delivering a show that was powerful, gripping and beautiful. I was really glad I made it down…
I am all too rarely able to make it along to the monthly gatherings of the Highland Literary Salon, and last night was one such occasion. It was a “slam night”, which, far from being a chance to practice ones wrestling moves as I first speculated, was in fact a chance for participants to sign…
The new album by Explosions in the Sky came out earlier this week. It’s called “Take Care, Take Care, Take Care” and it is excellent. There’s always a special thrill to a first listen of a new album by a favourite band. It has a reassuringly familiar sound but also exhiliratingly different and fresh –…