I’m delighted, at last, to announce that my third book, The Next Stop, will be published on Monday 10 March.
The Next Stop, as you may know, is my account of a six-day journey I took from Inverness to Edinburgh by train, stopping at all twenty-three stations in total. It’s a line I know well and have travelled more times than I can remember. But when it dawned on me that I knew nothing about most of the stops I so often frequently passed through, I decided to do something about it and find out what curiosities lurked right under my nose.
It will be available as a paperback as well as three different ebook formats – Kindle, Kobo and iBooks.
The paperback will be just £5.00 and will be available to buy online; while the ebooks will all be less than a couple of quid. Prices outside the UK will be pretty equivalent.
The book has been self-published, so I’ve had to do virtually all the formatting and design work myself. It’s been a fiddly, frustrating and time-consuming task, and I’ll no doubt write more about that in time to come when the psychological wounds have healed.
But in the meantime, please stand by for publication day. And if you fancy an ebook copy for review purposes, please get in touch.
More information on the book’s own page once the links are live.