Rather excitingly and terrifyingly, I’m the voice of Scotland for the coming week.
Well, not quite.
I guess I’d better explain. One of the nicer phenomenons (phenomena? Phenomenii?) on Twitter is a number of “national” accounts, where one person from the country in question looks after the Twitter account for a week and (within reason) tweets about whatever they like. It’s a lovely way of giving ordinary people a voice and getting their fellow countryfolk to think about certain things and to generate a bit of a national conversation. Or, given it’s Twitter and it’s only a week, and “national conversation” sounds too political, “national chat” probably sounds better.
I think – and I might be wrong – that @sweden was the first such national account, and a few weeks ago @ScotVoices was started up and you can read the background (and meet past tweeters) here. I’ve really enjoyed following it so far, and the range of individuals who’ve held the conch have been very interesting and thought-provoking in their own different ways. The platform that such a range of different people are given reminds me of The Listserve, which I blogged about this past summer and which I can thoroughly commend to you.
Anyway, long story short – I’m privileged to be this week’s tweeter on the ScotVoices account, starting from this evening. It will be fun to interact with a range of different people and play a wee part in the discussions that the account has generated about who we are as Scotland, where we’re going, and what we’re all up to.
Hopefully I’ll do it justice. Follow the account and join in!