I’m delighted to say that, after a little delay, The Return of the Mullet Hunter is now available to buy as a paperback and an epub ebook on Kobo. My own copy of the paperback arrived the other day and looks, even if I say so myself, and as a committed ebook reader, rather lovely.
The full range of links for buying it are now as follows:
Kindle: UK | New Zealand and Australia | USA | Canada
Paperback: UK | New Zealand, Australia and USA | Canada
Kobo (all regions)
Note that the Australian Amazon site doesn’t appear to do physical books – Kindle only – so you’ll need to order from the .com (US) site if you’re “down under”.
So far it’s only been available on the Kindle, but now hopefully those who like paperback or alternative ebook formats will be dancing in the streets.
I’ve updated the links on the book’s page.