I'm not long back from my church homegroup. I was leading it for the first time, which was a bit daunting.
I probably didn't get off to the most auspicious start by using the words "fucked" and "piss-bomb" in my introduction, but then it was from one of Gareth Saunders' blog entries which I was reading out, so that kind of justifies it… or at least shifts the blame! However, later, going on to describe Jesus in John 13, verses 31-32 as "a bit Donald Rumsfeld" wasn't the best of moves either. I survived the evening without a stoning, though, and it was the usual great evening of encouragement and thought-provoking discussion. And copious amounts of biscuits.
I really do enjoy Hilton. Not just for the biscuits, of course. I missed it last weekend due to being in Skye and will miss it again this weekend as I am off to Aberdeen to catch up with the usual ex-university gang, including a mini-reunion of the three other sabbaticals I served with at AUSA, which should be fun. Then the Monday and Tuesday after that, I'm off to Shetland for two days for work. Which reminds me, I really must remember to find out about air miles…